Electronic vehicle excitement dwindles as more Americans rely on hybrid cars

LEXIGNTON, Ky. (ABC 36 NEWSNOW) — A recent Triple A survey showed the number of Americans interested in buying electric vehicles, or ‘EV’s’, is decreasing.
Greg Brannon with Triple A says this is due to a number of different reasons.
“The remaining group of people who have yet to adopt EVs, consider the practicality, cost, convenience, and ownership experience, and for some, those are big enough hurdles to keep them from making the jump to fully electric,” Brannon said.
While the demand might be declining, Kristina Slattery with the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development says automotive manufacturers here in the Commonwealth are starting to branch into the EV industry.
“We still have a lot of activity in the EV space and a lot of projects that are moving forward,” Slattery said.
The Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky plant in Georgetown recently announced the upcoming production of a new all-electric vehicle. This will be the first of its kind manufactured right here in the Bluegrass.
Kim Ogle with TMMK says they are putting 700 full-time employees in this new sector.
While Triple A’s research numbers show little confidence in electric vehicle progression, Slattery says she’s not worried about the future of the automotive industry in Kentucky.
“We have such a strong automotive base, I think that we will continue to win in the automotive space moving forward,” Slattery said. “Like any sort of new technology, I think that we will adapt and shift with the changes, and Kentucky’s people are resilient, and we’ll continue to have success in this space.”