Employees driving green human resource management toward sustainable prosperity | UCL Institute for Global Prosperity

IGP Working Paper – Developing tools and evidence to deliver prosperity. The era of inclusivity: employees driving green human resource management toward sustainable prosperity
Naya, Patricia Tiimah; (2022)
This paper explores employees’ place in Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) and Sustainable Prosperity. It examines the role of GHRM in organisational sustainability initiatives, emphasising the employee’s role in sustainability decision-making. GHRM facilitates the achievement of sustainable practices by using every employee’s interface. Its goal is to raise sustainability awareness among employees through HR practices that are environmentally friendly and promote long-term and efficient usage of organisational resources. The paper employs a qualitative case study of the University College London (UCL) through semi- structured interviews and content review based on a qualitative exploratory approach. Drawing on thematic analysis, the paper indicates the need for organisations to place employees at the forefront of sustainability policy formulation that is participatory in character as it cultivates shared ownership and positive outcomes.