Energy Secretariat says electric cars in Mexico will reach 6.4 million in 2038

Specialists warn about the need to prepare more charging stations, safe for both users and vehicles.
The Ministry of Energy (Sener) of Mexico projects that by 2038 there will be 6.4 million electric vehicles in circulation. This figure would be equivalent to 35.1 percent of the total cars that are anticipated to be sold by then.
According to the Electrical Sector Development Program (Prodesen), prepared by Sener, with the incorporation of more electric cars on the streets, it is also expected that the installation of charging stations will be triggered at almost 22 thousand points.
As Mexico migrates towards electromobility, specialists warn about the need to prepare more charging stations, which are safe for both users and cars.
Francisco Cabeza, president of the Mexican Association to Promote Electric Vehicles (Amive) said that the electrical and electromobility sectors are just learning ‘to talk to each other’, as the difficulties of electric mobility are beginning to emerge due to the lack of energy and infrastructure.
He assured that those who are making decisions about electric mobility are doing so with an internal combustion car in mind and want to legislate and project demand based on what happens with combustion cars.
That is, creating many public charging points when in cities cars will mainly be charged at homes or in offices so that what the country needs in terms of mobility is not understood.
TYT Newsroom