Entrepreneurship is the permanent solution for unemployment

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(Sanghnomics is a weekly column that tracks down and demystifies the economic world view of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and organisations inspired by its ideology.)
In run up to Lok Sabha elections 2024, the issue of unemployment has been staring in the face of most of the political parties. Some of them are promising the moon to the unemployed by offering millions of jobs which don’t exist and have no indication of coming into existence in near future. Impractical suggestions related to unemployment allowances and right to internship etc. are being made. These are non-implementable promises and if implemented forcibly, they will wreck the economy.
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Notwithstanding, such wild promises, the fact remains that the problem of unemployment has been a major challenge for both the Indian state and the society since independence and yet not much headway could be made in this direction till around a decade ago when Narendra Modi government started to give a major thrust to entrepreneurship through Mudra loans and start-up India. This was a paradigm shift in our approach that focuses on creating work opportunities instead of seeking jobs.
This approach is more pragmatic as it is impossible for any government to generate millions of jobs every year. The only solution to resolve issue of unemployment is to create opportunities for work by the society. The government shouldn’t be seen as the employment creator. It should be seen as a facilitator.
The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has been saying this for years and it spelled out it’s stand in a resolution passed in March 2022. It is important to note that this resolution was passed as the economy was trying to recover from the havoc created by Covid-19.
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The RSS resolution said, Bharat, with its abundant natural resources, vast human power and inherent entrepreneurial skills to transform our agriculture, manufacturing and service sectors, has the potential to create ample work opportunities and take the entire economy to greater heights. The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha (ABPS) wishes to emphasize that the entire society has to play a proactive role in harnessing such work opportunities to mitigate the overall employment challenge.
The resolution further added that thrust is to be given to Bharatiya economic model that is human centric, labour intensive and eco friendly. The proposed model by RSS lays stress on decentralization and equitable distribution of benefits and augmentation of village economy and strengthening of micro, small-scale and agro-based industries. The areas like rural employability, unorganized sector employment, employment to women and their overall participation in the economy need to be boosted, said the RSS resolution.
Interestingly, the RSS emphasised that efforts are essential to adapt new technologies and soft skills appropriate to our societal conditions.
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According to RSS, there are many successful models of employment generation based on the above lines available in every part of the country. They have also taken into account local specialities, talent and requirements. At many such places, entrepreneurs, businessmen, micro finance institutions, self-help groups and voluntary organizations have initiated endeavours in the areas of value added products, cooperative sector, direct marketing of local products and skill development etc. These initiatives have encouraged ventures such as handicrafts, food processing, home-made products and family enterprises.
Efforts to inculcate spirit of ‘Swadeshi and self reliance’ in the society would give right impetus to the above initiatives, said the RSS resolution.
The RSS is quite optimistic about the Indian manufacturing sector having a high employment potential. However, it requires to be bolstered and this would also lessen India’s dependence on imports.
Most significantly, the RSS resolution categorically said, “An environment conducive of encouraging entrepreneurship should be created by educating and counselling people, especially youth, so that they can come out of mentality of seeking jobs only. Similar entrepreneurial spirit also needs to be fostered among women, village folk and people from remote and tribal areas. Educationists, industry and community leaders, social organizations and other institutions can have effective participation towards this end. For that it is essential that the governmental and other efforts go in tandem with these.”
The RSS feels that we, as a society, have to look for innovative ways to address the challenges of fast changing global economic and technological scenario. Opportunities of employment and entrepreneurship with emerging digital economy and export possibilities should be keenly explored. ‘We should engage ourselves in manpower training both pre and on job, research and technology innovations, motivation for start-ups and green technology ventures etc.’
The RSS has called upon the citizens to work on Bharat centric models of employment generation to strengthen the economy and achieve sustainable and holistic development. It has repeatedly urged upon all sections of the society to establish a healthy work culture based on our eternal values catalysing the whole effort of promoting various types of work opportunities so that Bharat regains its rightful place on the world economic front.
Earlier Sanghnomics columns can be read here.
(Arun Anand has authored two books on the RSS. His X handle is @ArunAnandLive.)
Views are personal, and do not represent the stand of this publication.
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