EV shortcomings, Donald Trump’s National Enquirer: Letters to the Editor

A long road for EVs
EDITOR: In his April 21 column (“Biden’s impossible electric vehicle dream”), George F. Will pointed out downsides to electric vehicles, including slow charge times, effects on batteries of cold temperatures and degradation of land (mining for the materials to make the batteries).
I hoped to hear from an EV owner who could refute these claims, but the single letter you printed failed to address Will’s points, instead blowing them off as “gobbledygook,” a term designed to dismiss what you disagree with.
Will left out the decline in sales of new EVs (and older ones accumulating in used car lots) and investment cutbacks from Ford, General Motors and even Tesla. The idea that people would transition, one-to-one, from gas guzzlers to EVs was flawed from the beginning, even in California, where charging stations are more plentiful than elsewhere. People who can afford to, use their EVs for short trips and their gas vehicles for everything else.
EVs are one player in the transportation game, but they have a long way to go before their contribution is significant.
Santa Rosa
Redefining ‘fake news’
EDITOR: Per Donald Trump and his enablers, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, Washington Post, et al, are “fake news.” We learn from David Pecker, testifying under oath, that as National Enquirer publisher, he not only worked with Trump to “catch and kill” stories harmful to him, but promoted stories harmful to his opponents for several months prior to the 2016 election, regardless of outlandish lies. Even if a tiny fraction at the grocery checkout stand sees the false headlines, it could create doubt and influence voting. Critical in swing states.
Like the mosquito in a nudist colony, where to begin? Keeping this simple, you don’t buy baldness cures from Dr. Phil, you don’t buy a new car based only on a slick ad, and you sure as hell should not trust the former president on just about anything he says.
Where was the parade?
EDITOR: I get so tired of all the stories about protests and wars. It’s nice to read about local attractions and happy stories. So did anyone read about the Sebastopol Apple Blossom Parade? There was a nice story about the Petaluma parade with pictures and a wonderful story, but not a word about Sebastopol’s parade. Why not?
History lessons needed
EDITOR: I must be one of those grumpy old men. It occurs to me that 20th century U.S. history isn’t being taught in high schools. I don’t think any 20-something young person knows the difference between a Case tractor and a case study. I don’t think any one of them could change a tire if they had to. I don’t think many of these young folks know where their food comes from or how it’s produced or anything about chickens or organic. Hence this nonsense about “free-range” chickens, “grass-fed” beef cattle and on and on. Nonsense.
I would like to see high schools teach a course on 20th century agronomy — the machines that replaced horses and manual picking and threshing. The huge advance in wheat farming that produced a rust-resistant strain that so increased production nobody feared not having a loaf of bread on the table.
Well, this could get pretty long, but I constantly run into ignorance about the 20th century, from agronomy to engineering to communications. I think people should know at least something about the wealth they live in, brought on by efforts in all those fields.
Rohnert Park
Danger of antisemitism
EDITOR: Was there a sale on kaffiyehs this week? Anti-Israel protesters were decked out to show their antisemitic, pro-Hamas stance. Who bought the matching new tents? Reportedly, outside agitators have been funded by groups that receive money from Soros- and Rockefeller-funded foundations. Without scripts on their iPhones, they don’t have a clue why they’re protesting.
It seems to be perfectly OK for the Hamas barbarians to rape and mutilate women and babies. Or that Hamas indiscriminately killed 364 innocent Israeli youth at the music festival. It’s fine to chant “Death to Israel. Death to America.”
What’s appalling is the widespread antisemitism at colleges and universities. Aren’t they supposed to be bastions of free speech, intellectual thought and diversity? Jewish students and faculty are rightly afraid for their lives.
It’s shocking that more college faculty and presidents and Hollywood liberals don’t speak out against the antisemitism. Where are they? Are they intimidated by threats of jihad? Afraid of losing their livelihood? Where are the concerts to raise funds for Israeli and American hostages? Destroyed Israeli homes? Nowhere. Remember, Joe Biden repeatedly says silence is complicity. Speak out against the danger of antisemitism.
Santa Rosa
You can send letters to the editor to letters@pressdemocrat.com.