
Florida Tech Cybersecurity Competition Team Takes Fourth in National Cyber League

panthers battled over 7,400 competitors from 4,212 teams

The L3Harris Institute for Assured Information FITSEC cybersecurity competition team placed fourth in the national championships at the National Cyber League Tournament in April, marking seven consecutive top-10 finishes. (Florida Tech image)

BREVARD COUNTY • MELBOURNE, FLORIDA – The L3Harris Institute for Assured Information FITSEC cybersecurity competition team placed fourth in the national championships at the National Cyber League Tournament in April, marking seven consecutive top 10 finishes.

Collectively, the team has battled over 7,400 competitors from 4,212 teams representing over 700 schools to earn this distinction.

During the competition, FITSEC successfully closed out the categories of enumeration, exploitation, web applications, scanning, reconnaissance, forensics, network traffic analysis and open source analysis.

They were one of only seven teams in the nation to develop a successful binary exploit to close out the exploitation category. The exploit, which required advanced knowledge of both stack and heap primitives, was jointly developed by current FITSEC president Marcus Feliciano and former FITSEC president Curtice Gough.

“We are incredibly proud of the countless hours of work, perseverance and grit poured into their discipline,” says assistant professor TJ O’Connor, primary FITSEC faculty advisor and director of Florida Tech’s cyber operations program. “They join a legacy of Florida Tech students that have demonstrated excellence in the domain of cybersecurity. We are incredibly proud of how they represent themselves and our university.”

The team included Gough, Feliciano, Louis Orcinolo, Joshua Hartzfeld, Tyler Dionne, Lilith Fort and Juyoul Lee.

They expressed their gratitude to L3HIAI, professor and L3HIAI Executive DirectorMarco Carvalho, L3HIAI Director of Research and Operations Rebekah Lee Poe and Florida Tech for their help and support, as well as their industry partners Steve Wood from Cromulence LLC and Chris Stricklan from STR.



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