Fox Hill accident : Statement from SL Automobile Sports

Sri Lanka Automobile Sports (SLAS) says a thorough investigation will be conducted to understand the causes that led to the tragic accident at the recent ‘Fox Hill Super Cross 2024’ event in Diyathalawa.
Issuing a statement, SLAS said steps will also be taken to implement additional safety measures to prevent such events from occurring in the future.
“While the Sri Laka Army is conducting an inquiry, A three-member independent committee headed by a Senior President’s Counsel has been appointed by SLAS to conduct an Inquiry,” it added.
The SLAS further said that urgent steps have also been taken to support all the families of victims financially at the moment.
Seven individuals were killed and 23 others were injured after a car hurtled into spectators at the motorsports event held in Diyathalawa on Sunday.
Full statement :