Generative AI in Agriculture

Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
This is Tim Hammerich of the Ag Information Network with your Farm of the Future Report.
Generative AI tools like ChatGPT have been the story of 2024 in technology circles. And we’re starting to see applications for use of this technology on the farm. Bayer and Microsoft are two companies that have been taking a leadership role in this area. Here’s Mark Pendergrast of Bayer Crop Science.
Pendergrast… “The thing that I think is probably the newest revelation coming out of this show is the huge opportunity for large language models and generative AI. You know, we’ve seen, you know, lots of interest in these, these types of technologies in the broader tech space over the last six months. Um, this is the first time I’ve seen that enthusiasm translate to act and, you know, we’ve seen all the headlines dominate with, uh, examples of co-pilots and, and gen AI tools, uh, that ultimately we hope will provide tons of value for the farmer. And Bayer and Microsoft are not alone in this. We recognize that you know, we are certainly talking about it, but we’re not alone. The opportunity for the value for a farmer and for companies, right? Let’s be clear. It’s not just farmers that will benefit from more intuitive user interfaces to datasets. Agronomists will, will benefit, you know, downstream companies, like I mentioned earlier, uh, banks, uh, insurance providers for ag, uh, even consumer packaged goods companies. They all have a common need for high-quality, highly reliable agronomic-based data, and insights.”
Again that’s director of business development for the data and cloud team at Bayer Crop Science, Mark Pendergrast.