Gillespie’s Invitation Triggers Regional Telecommunications Review

Federal Nationals Member for Lyne, Dr David Gillespie, is encouraging people from across the electorate with chronic telecommunications problems to speak directly to the Regional Telecommunications Review Committee which is scheduled to visit next week.
Dr Gillespie said the Review Committee has scheduled a public meeting on Friday May 24 at the CWA Wauchope Branch, 47-51 High Street, between 2pm and 3.30pm.
“Back in January this year, I called on the Regional Telecommunications Review Committee to visit the Lyne electorate and speak with locals who are facing serious issues with landline, mobile phone and internet access,” Dr Gillespie said.
“It is critical that we use every avenue possible to highlight the fact that our region’s telecommunications infrastructure is not keeping pace with our needs.
“While I had hoped the Committee would spend time with affected residents at the community coalface, I am grateful that a public meeting has been scheduled in my electorate.
“This is a good opportunity to tell the Review Committee directly about your landline, mobile and internet problems so that you influence its recommendations for improvements to the Australian Government.”
To attend the meeting, you need to register on the Regional Telecommunications Review website Consultation | Australian Government Regional Telecommunications Review (
The 2024 Regional Telecommunications Review is examining the adequacy of telecommunications in regional, rural, and remote parts of Australia.