Gladstone BraveBots robotics team takes part in world competition in Houston | News, Sports, Jobs

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The Gladstone BraveBots robotics team get cheered on at the world competition in Houston, Texas.
GLADSTONE — The Gladstone BraveBots robotics team has returned home after taking part in the World competition in Houston, Texas.
The BraveBots earned a place in the World competition after placing high in state competition.
The BraveBots competed on the Johnson Field and won their last seven ganes for a 8-2 finish. They were the number 6 alliance captain and picked a team from North Carolina and one from California. They beat the #3 alliance but then lost to the # 7 alliance who ended up winning the court.
The competition lasted three days with the Bravebots working from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. each day.
“The kids did a great job scouting 125 games and the drive team and strategy teams really did a stellar job as well. We have some stellar seniors who did a great job leading us this year and we’re sorry to see them go’” said Coach Tim Barron. “But we have a great bunch of underclassmen who make the BraveBots future look really bright.”
“We are so thankful to our fantastic mentors who donate so much of their time and talents to help make us successful. The kids and I couldn’t do it without them,” Barron said.