Google Doubles Down On Artificial Intelligence Race At I/O 2024 With AI Search

Google has been a part of the tech industry for over two decades now, but it was only in the past decade or so that tech became the new business horizon and data became the new oil. This has seen gargantuan investment in the sector, resulting in the growing size and stature of tech companies like Google. The most recent chapter of the tech story has brought us to the AI era.

It’s AI All-Around

Google, in its recently concluded Google I/O 2024 meeting held at the Shoreline Amphitheatre in California, saw the company taking the ante even further with its new services. The most stand-out announcement was surrounding the arrival of Google’s upgrades to its search services, with the adrenaline boost of artificial intelligence.

In addition, after a major backlash, the company appears to be on course to rejuvenate Gemini AI. With this, the company intends to take on the likes of Microsoft-backed OpenAi and Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta.

Emphasising the company’s importance in the corporate space, the company has also released new upgrades to the Chrome and Workspace experience. According to the company, it would integrate AI across the ‘Workspace’, by aiding Gmail, Sheets, and other arms of the virtual arena.

Will there be action against Google? | Image: Wikipedia (Representative)

Veo for Video Creation

In addition, the company also announced new developments concerning content creators, particularly creators who use video as their medium. The company announced the inception of ‘Veo’. Here, once again, it will play a pivotal role in helping creators produce high-quality video content based on textual, visual, and video-based prompts. It is to be noted, that Alphabet (Google’s parent org) has deep stakes in the video business, albeit YouTube.

Finally, Google also announced some ambitious projects as well. This included Project Astra, an AI assistant system. In addition, it also released some new upgrades for Google Lens. These announcements come right at the back of OpenAI’s ‘GPT-4o’, a brand new version of its GPT-4 model.

This model, according to the Sam Altman-led company, can generate any combination of text, audio, and image outputs. Here, the major emphasis was on audio generation systems.

Alphabet, Google’s parent company’s shares, increased by 0.60 per cent to close at USD 171.93, at the end of Tuesday’s trade. 

Published on: Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 10:10 AM IST


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