HEART/NSTA Trust Boosting Investment In Robotics Training | RJR News

By Javaughn Keyes
The HEART/NSTA Trust says is investing millions of dollars to add more programmes to meet the demand for skills in robotics.
Managing Director or HEART Dr. Taneisha Ingleton says they are now offering programmes like autonomous robotics, aerial robotics and additive manufacturing with a focus on 3D printing, at the HEART College of Innovation and Technology in Montego Bay, St. James, along with other locations.
“Certainly, this is a direct response to the demand of industries in Montego Bay, and its environs and the wider Jamaica, where automation and digitisation are driving and promulgating productivity. Example of autonomous mobile robotics include self-driving vacuums and cars. This is what HEART Trust is doing. Aerial robotics are the most popular of the three as many of us can relate to drones, used at parties and other events. We are training individuals to manipulate these technologies,” Dr. Ingleton explained.
Meanwhile, Minister responsible for Skills and Digital Transformation, Dr. Dana Morris Dixon, says there are a wide range of opportunities available in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector.
“It offers career paths that are resilient, lucrative – and especially when I talk to young people, lucrative meaning you can make nuff money from it – and exciting. With technology at your fingertips, you can aspire to be leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators. One of the reasons why the tech industry is so lucrative is because of the demand for talent. Demand in this area is surpassing supply. So for all of our young students who are here, understand that this is an area for the future,” she suggested.