High-powered electric vehicle chargers planned every 60km on motorways, says Ryan – The Irish Times

Ireland aims to have high-powered electric vehicle chargers every 60km of the motorway network, Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan has said.
The National Road EV Charging Network Plan sets out the ambition for delivery of EV charging on the national road network.
This includes a pool of high-powered chargers every 60km along the motorway network as well as home and apartment charging, destination charging and residential neighbourhood charging – including new mobility hubs.
A €21 million grant scheme to incentivise the installation of high-power recharging stations, each with 1200kW of power output, along the State’s motorway and dual carriageway networks, was announced in February.
The grants aim to stimulate the private sector to provide new recharging stations by the end of 2025, and will target publicly available facilities within 3km driving distance of these roads networks – such as service area operators, hotels and retail outlets, for example.
“The universal design guidelines have been developed to support the roll-out of well-designed, easy-to-use charging infrastructure across the country,” Mr Ryan said.
“The guidelines have been developed following a review of international and industry best practices and engagement with a diverse group of stakeholders, and provide the opportunity to be leaders in the world for accessibility and functionality.
“Both measures provide additional reassurance and certainty for EV drivers, and those thinking of making the switch to EVs, that they will be able to find high-powered, fast and convenient EV charge-points where and when they need them,” the Minister said.
Mr Ryan also announced the next stage of the delivery of EV charging infrastructure through the opening of a public consultation on the Regional and Local EV Charging Network Plan.
The closing date for taking part in the public consultation for the Reginal and Local Plan is July 19th.
The responses will then be analysed, evaluated, and will inform the development of a final document that will be published in the second half of 2024.
The CSO said earlier this year that the number of new electric cars registered increased by 12 per cent from 2,531 vehicles in January 2023 to 2,829 in January 2024.
However, EV sales are down more than 14 per cent overall on last year, due to factors including apprehensions about battery life, the national charging network and resale values; talk of better technologies on the way; and the Government’s tax intentions – PA