‘Historic’ Newaygo County robotics team in danger of dissolving

After 18 years of work, the program that serves Newaygo County teens is at risk of shutting its doors.
NEWAYGO, Mich. — Mike Haaser is a mentor for 1918 NC Gears, the Robotics team out of Newaygo County that focuses on teaching teens math and science through robots.
“We’re expected to show up, and we’re always a team to be reckoned with,” said Haaser.
After 18 years of work, 1918 is at risk of shutting its doors.
“Sponsorships come and go,” said Jim Barstow, a mentor for the program. “You know, whether they’re large sponsorships or small sponsorships, things change. Business is business, and we understand that, but what we ask of our sponsors is to come to the table and explain to us what’s going on.”
Barstow said the team’s main sponsor pulled out. 13 ON YOUR SIDE reached out to the sponsor but has not heard back. Pending their response we are withholding their name.
Barstow said they don’t know why they were dropped, and added, they no longer have access to their workshop, team banners and trophies, tools, or even their current robot.
Haaser said the work they do with their teens has a deeper meaning behind it than just math and science.
“It gives them a head start when they go into college, or even if they just decide to go into any career,” said Haaser. “They’re used to talking to mentors as people, you know, we communicate with them as though their peers. So they have this tremendous advantage. And all we got like nine mentors that every one of them, to a fault, are just dedicated to the kids.”
The mentors said they are looking for sponsors to keep their program alive, whether its funding or space for a workshop. If you would like to get in contact with the program, you can email them: info@ncgears.com.
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