Holyoke organization “EforAll” boosts local entrepreneurs

HOLYOKE, Mass. (WWLP) – One local organization is giving a helping hand to local aspiring entrepreneurs, in efforts to enhance our region’s economic development.
Holyoke-based “EforAll” / Epara-Todos Pioneer Valley is doing just that, by running an accelerated and inclusive program to give entrepreneurs in under-represented communities the tools they need to become industry experts.
Wednesday night in Springfield, they celebrated recent graduates of the program. Executive Director of the organization Tessa Murphy-Romboletti, told 22News, “Entrepreneurship is very lonely and we have a lot of great resources here in the Pioneer Valley. We want to make sure that we remove the barriers and help our economy move into a stronger position.”
The program is taught in English and Spanish. The organization is now accepting applications for the next cycle of the program, which is due May 9th.
Kristina D’Amours is a reporter who is a part of the evening 22News team. Follow Kristina on X @KristinaD_WWLP and view her bio to see more of her work.