Hospitality Robots – Here To Stay…

The Global Hospitality Robots Market is forecast to grow by $341.91m during 2022-2027*
One answer in the wake of depleting staff levels
Where staffing levels have been affected due to issues such as Brexit or the COVID-19 pandemic, robots have become increasingly used across the UK hospitality sector in recent years. And, during the early days, many queried whether they would be here to stay1.
The role of robots
Within hospitality environments, robots are being rapidly introduced to provide vital support during busy serving periods.
Their list of tasks can be endless, from taking bookings to managing guest requests to delivering goods and placing an order. Robots can operate for the whole evening taking food from the kitchen to tables or even to hotel rooms – helping to free up busy waiting on staff, in order that they can focus on providing an enhanced experience for customers.
At the Henn-Na-Hotel in Nagasaki, Japan, robots check guests in, and porter robots carry luggage up to the guest rooms2.
Data analysis to enhance the customer experience
In hotels, robots are being used to gather and analyse guest data to provide useful insight to help shape the future customer experience through personalisation and enhanced offerings.
In this current difficult trading climate, putting the customer at the centre of the entire service has become vitally important. This will help to ensure repeat custom, time and again.
The advantages of robots
Robots are improving the speed of service, and their accuracy is often second to none. They can also more easily take on monotonous and repetitive tasks, those jobs that humans often become too tired to perform, and which – as a result – can mean mistakes occur.
The future
Retaining clients through exceptional customer service has become critical during the current difficult trading period. Freeing up waiting on staff to look after the customer has become more vital than ever, and robots are truly enabling this to happen. The trend for increasing robotics is not only prevalent but also promising for the future of the sector.
At Lolly, we believe that robots are the future of hospitality service, which is why we have a dedicated ‘robot team’. We all need to embrace the changes that lie ahead and ensure the sector is right at the forefront of technological advances.