Generative AI

How AI Is Redefining Marketing —Top Tips for Success

The Gist

  • The AI advantage. Generative AI tools enable a small team of marketers to compete effectively with larger, better resourced competitors.
  • Key strategies. Five key strategies should be employed to build or remake an effective marketing capability in the age of AI, including adherence to basic marketing principles.
  • Operator required. AI does not eliminate the need for experienced and creative marketing professionals to operate the AI tools.

Generative AI has only been widely available for around 18 months, but it is already remaking many business functions, from finance to human resource to marketing. To keep up, marketers must embrace this new capability — generative AI in marketing— and act quickly.

Here are five key strategies marketers can use to fully leverage generative AI and stay competitive.

Employing these strategies requires remaking an existing marketing department or creating a new one from scratch. Both situations mean significant organizational change. Startups with little or no marketing capability will likely find adoption of this new generative AI in marketing strategy far easier than those organizations with well-developed marketing teams.

Company leaders should start by gauging the ability of their organization to absorb change to determine the speed at which these strategies can be implemented.

A rendering of a particle collision in piece about generative ai in marketing.
Generative AI has only been widely available for around 18 months, but it is already remaking many business functions, from finance to human resource to marketing.Peter Hansen on Adobe Stock Photos

5 Generative AI in Marketing Strategies for Success

1. Abandon the Gradual Approach

Abandon the typical, stepwise approach to building a marketing strategy or capability, and build all functions simultaneously. Startups often build their marketing function one capability at a time. While enterprises often change only one functional area at a time. AI enables you to cost effectively kick off a wide range of capabilities all at once. This is tremendously advantageous because it is the integration of numerous marketing capabilities that enhances the power to influence, which is the goal of marketing.

AI tools enable a small team to quickly develop market, competitor and customer intelligence and analysis. This analysis will point to the most effective ways to reach and influence target customers and will guide and inform your decisions regarding next steps.

Keeping in mind the insights gained from the AI analysis, next create (or recreate) the core marketing functions, again using AI to speed the process from content ideation, to creation to distribution. But remember, every organization still needs people with expertise in the core marketing functions.

Related Article: AI in Analytics: 3 Key Tips to Keep Your Workflow up to Date

2. Build for Departmental Flexibility

Large marketing departments are often victims of siloing. This slows down their ability to adapt to rapidly changing market conditions, customer needs or product developments. In the age of AI, this is a death sentence. AI enables a relatively flat structure. This will help discourage the development of fiefdoms that will ossify and resist change.

Use This Approach

Use a “council” approach where every member sees themselves as part of one team as opposed to a departmental structure. This does not mean avoiding the hiring of core function experts; quite the opposite. But it does mean the team must be highly integrated and comfortable with change. AI tools enable a small team to provide outsized capacity, but that team must be flexible.

Work With Stakeholders

Council members also must be able to identify and work closely with stakeholders outside of the marketing team. This includes members of the sales, finance and product development teams and the executive team. As with every marketing organization, these stakeholders are essential to success, from signing off on recommended programs and campaigns to actively taking part in the recommended activities — because buy-in is everything.

This is especially important for B2B companies as the buying environment is changing; millennial buyers want more self-serve options and less interaction with sales reps. This makes integration with sales and product development even more crucial. Generative AI tools that support development of effective presentations can help marketing teams gain buy-in from their internal stakeholders.

Related Article: Generative AI in Marketing: Unlocking the Next Generation of Use Cases

3. Design Operational Strategies Around Functions

Today, AI tools can dramatically and cost effectively improve efficiency across a range of marketing activities, including: market and audience analytics, content creation, performance monitoring, digital and social media marketing, customer engagement and marketing automation. But structure operational strategies around key marketing functions rather than AI capabilities. This is because marketing functions remain relevant much longer than individual AI tools.

By focusing on the functions necessary to influence buyer behavior rather than over-investing in the current capabilities of AI tools, organizations can more easily adapt their operations to new AI tools and capabilities as they are developed. 

A hallmark of successful marketing is the ability to pivot rapidly as product, markets and competitors change, or simply because a strategy or tactic doesn’t work as expected. An important benefit of generative AI in marketing is that it enables organizations to pivot more quickly, so this ability must be built into the operational approach.

Related Article: Generative AI in Marketing: Boost or Bust for Your Department?

4. Hire for AI Mindset

Marketing practices and the tools marketers use have undergone significant changes over the past two decades. As a result, successful marketers tend to be highly flexible in their thinking. In the age of AI, flexibility of thinking and the ability to rapidly adapt to new techniques and technologies is crucial.


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