How New Grads Can Find a Job in the Age of AI | Careers

“Do you have advice on how to find an AI-related job?”

This is an important and timely question that upcoming college graduates are asking this spring as millions of students graduate from American colleges and universities in one of the most dynamic labor markets in recent history.

The fact is that artificial intelligence is impacting nearly all sectors of the economy, so job seekers can approach their searches by industry, employer size, occupation, competency, and the leadership and values of the employer. In short, every job role that requires postsecondary education can be influenced and impacted by AI.

How New Graduates Can Navigate the Job Market in an Era of AI

While recent graduates may have a natural excitement and fixation on the first job, it is indeed called the first job because there will be a second, third and fourth jobs after. According to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data, baby boomers have had over 12 jobs in a lifetime on average.

So how do students (and their families) navigate this exciting and stressful time when Americans are reading about AI disrupting jobs at every turn? The best advice is to find impactful and purpose-driven work while being attuned to new trends that have emerged as the AI landscape matures.

In higher education, enrollment professionals often talk about the “funnel” of potential students when they take stock of the recruitment pool, then drill down to recruit and enroll the best-fit learners for their school. Job searching in today’s environment requires job seekers to manage their search as a funnel as well. That means it is important to first understand the macro labor market trends; the skills that are most in demand (and a realistic match with one’s interests, abilities and experiences); and how to use that information to search for the job, present oneself and find a best-fit role and organization.

Industries That Are Embracing AI Trends

The first part of the job-seeker funnel is the macro jobs landscape in which some industries are embracing AI more than others. Top AI-responsive industries include:


Tech firms of all types are adding AI to their products to enhance their use and make them simpler and more user-friendly. Firms such as Google, Amazon and Microsoft are actively hiring AI specialists to develop products, improve operations and build services.


AI is extremely powerful when dealing with big data, and state and local governments have access to a ton of big data. The movement to make government more accessible through information flow, transparency and better responsiveness is here to stay. Governments throughout the country are embracing the power of AI to make the business of working with government more efficient.


The finance industry is making broad use of AI with simple tasks, such as automation and more advanced functions, including improving risk management and making better investment recommendations.

Health Care

The health care industry is embracing AI at all levels. Uses include automation to avoid human error in billing and the management of electronic health records as well as early detection of serious illnesses. This technology is transforming health care systems.

Skills Needed to Find a Job in AI

The next part of the funnel is the in-demand skills that candidates can highlight or build to set themselves apart. Key skills for the 2024 job market include:

Proficiency With Artificial Intelligence

Experience and proficiency in using AI technologies are crucial for roles that involve data analysis, research and automation.

Data Analysis

Skills in data visualization, interpretation and pattern detection as well as proficiency using tools such as Microsoft Excel, Python and Tableau are essential for creating insights and decisions based on data.


Strong communication skills remain vital throughout industries, particularly since hybrid work environments are here to stay, impacting supervisor, peer and customer interactions.

Project Management

The ability to manage resources effectively, solve problems using agile principles and oversee projects to successful completion are core skills for any role.

Change Management

Being adaptable to changing work dynamics and technologies is crucial for staying relevant in an era of record-speed tech innovation.

Fundamental Job Skills for Any Career

Thriving in a dynamic work environment in 2024 still requires the same mix of soft and hard/technical skills that have always mattered when it comes to finding the best organizational fit and getting hired. These include:

Problem-Solving and Teamwork

Employers need and want curious employees who will listen attentively and work collaboratively to further the organization’s mission.

Emotional Intelligence

Being able to work intergenerationally with diverse styles and personalities is important in today’s workplace.

Data-Driven Decision-Making

If there is one technical skill to highlight, it is the ability to research, organize and use data to inform decisions and implementation solutions.

Never forget that job interviews work bi-directionally. Finding a firm that has the leadership, values and mission that excites you is important.

Focusing on industries, skills and aspects of the job where you stand out will help you secure opportunities in today’s competitive job market.


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