Hybrid Legal CRM, disruption, & value creation using Gen AI

Legal professionals and law firms are seriously looking at data analysis and how technology can help to deliver faster results for their clients.
Did you know: “Accenture recent survey with CFO’s, say the speed to deliver transformations is faster or significantly faster than in the past.”
1. The shift in change for consumers
through wider choices.
2. Disruption to the legal market through
innovative technology, enhancing the
ability to provide legal help quicker.
Using generative AI, it can deliver value at scale. So how is this applied in Hybrid Legal CRM:
1. Connect your customers faster using live data import. For example, if a
client comes into your website or
social media website, you can have
data being imported, so your team can
work faster to deal with the legal
2. Email platform, automatic connection
with client data. Faster response with
your clients, less time spent on saving
emails, documents or creating billing,
all done in one workflow.
Hybrid Legal CRM helps to bring value, faster changes and accelerate growth.
• Take a free trial on Hybrid Legal CRM,
visit us at
• You can speak to a member of our
product team on 020 7237 3388 or
email us at hello@hybridcrm.co.uk.
Using responsible generative AI & document intelligence
Integrating generative AI in a responsible way helps to deliver better legal services. Predictive tools and automation are some of the key features of the Hybrid Legal CRM.
1. Document intelligence. In legal matters, this is most critical to support on all types of legal issues that arise.
2. Use pre-defined tools, with work map on managing evidence build.
3. Check and advise clients sooner, than later.
Build a chronology with evidence and date that is of relevance.
• Identify risk earlier for your client’s legal matter. Use evidence build client matters.
• Save time on Lawyers. Hybrid Legal CRM helps automate tasks and allows admin to resolve at faster pace.
Need more information, find more details here https://www.hybridcrm.co.uk/Faq.
Business strategy planning
We know how important is for senior leadership to understand data that is meaningful and help make decisions faster, in simple form.
• Dashboards to show real-time data fed. Those includes from leads to client management.
Using our real-time data, your firm can budget, forecast and build flexible plans to manage and future-proof your business.
• Able to understand financial income, including high-valued cases.
• Data and financial details fed into accounting software, so no manual inputs are required.
• Forecast using accurate data.
The ability to manage, and monitor high performing team colleagues, will enhance productivity and efficiency.
Tracking legal matters
We know how important a client’s legal matter is, as such firms can spend more of their time on the legal matter and reduce on administration tasks. Hybrid Legal CRM does the administration:
• Running email automations based on WAYN – where are you now. Reduces 32% of emails and calls.
• Checklist automated. Creates uniformed process within the team.
Speak to us at Hybrid Legal CRM
Tech ICS are listed by the Law Society as an approved supplier. Please find our details here – https://www.lawgazette.co.uk/legal-services/tech-ics/1109.supplier.
We help to establish a powerful unifying idea to express your business core identity, using our technological products and services.
• Visit us at www.hybridcrm.co.uk.