
Hyundai Mobis tests Level 4 self-driving

Hyundai Mobis Co., the world’s sixth-largest auto component maker, will start test driving a Level 4 autonomous driving vehicle in Incheon’s Songdo and Yeongjongdo from April to next year, the company said on Monday.

The company signed a business agreement with the Incheon Free Economic Zone Authority and Incheon Technopark for commercializing autonomous driving technologies by testing long-distance urban routes. 

More than 20 domestic automotive software development startups, partners, research institutes, and universities participated in this agreement. 

The test vehicle, equipped with advanced computing technology for Level 4 autonomy, will cover a 60-kilometer route centered around the Incheon Bridge.

The company explained that this distance is long for urban areas, not highways. 

Write to Nan-Sae Bin at


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