IDVerse biometric identity verification platform joins fintech marketplace

IDVerse has announced the integration of its biometric identity verification platform trained with generative AI with the Temenos Exchange, a marketplace for fintech companies. This collaboration will enable Temenos clients to take advantage of the automated verification and bias reduction capabilities provided by IDVerse’s platform.
By incorporating this integration, Temenos aims to expand its customer reach while also reducing AI bias in order to verify a broader spectrum of customers. Additionally, clients can benefit from the deepfake defender feature, which utilizes IDVerse’s unique computer vision techniques to identify small irregularities and assess human liveness.
“IDVerse’s availability on Temenos Exchange further extends our commitment to the banking community and enables Temenos customers to easily reap the benefits of GenAI-trained Identity Verification to tackle fraud and diverse customer bases,” says Libby Robinson, head of Partnerships at IDVerse.
IDVerse claims its identity verification platform is highly accurate and capable of verifying users using selfie biometrics and ID document scans. The platform is backed by a database of over 16,000 ID documents across 142 languages and typesets, and operates autonomously without the need for human intervention.
“The integration with Temenos and joining Temenos Exchange means IDVerse can write once and be readily available to banks globally that run on our platform,” says Martin Bailey, director of Innovation and Ecosystems at Temenos.
A German regulator recently endorsed IDVerse’s use of biometric facial age estimation, which can be used to restrict minors’ access to online gambling. This decision follows a Javelin Report that highlighted that 54 percent of households do not actively monitor their children’s online activities, leading to an increased risk of identity fraud exposure.
Article Topics
banking | biometrics | fintech | identity verification | IDVerse | Temenos