In Israel, Electric Vehicles Owners Travel 40.8% More | The Jewish Press – | TPS / Tazpit News Agency | 12 Iyyar 5784 – Sunday, May 19, 2024

In Israel, the average annual total distance traveled by privately owned electric vehicles is about 40.8% higher than the estimate of the travel of private vehicles with other types of propulsion (gasoline, diesel, hybrid) that are up to 3 years old.
This data came from Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), which, in February 2024, conducted a quick survey among owners of privately owned electric private vehicles. The goals of the survey were to gauge the mileage of electric vehicles and learn about their charging habits.
The CBS survey also found that about 88.2% of owners of private electric vehicles charge them at home frequently (often or occasionally). About 9% report that they never charge their vehicles at home or that this option is not relevant (presumably they do not have a home charging station.)
30.2% use a fast public charging station often or occasionally.
13.9% charge at their workplaces often or occasionally.
8.8% charge their cars at home/neighbor/acquaintance often or occasionally.
51.0% of those charging at a “fast” public facility reported that when they reach such a position, it is usually working but in use.
9.6% reported that the position is usually inactive/faulty.
97.1% of electric vehicle owners who use public charging stations said that there is a lack of such charging stations.
The CBS survey also found that the larger a town/city is in population, the lower is the percentage of electric vehicle owners with a home charging station.