International Maritime Cyber Security Organisation Forms

Maritime cybersecurity organisation offers standards and risk register.
The International Maritime Cyber Security Organisation (IMCSO) has launched to increase cybersecurity standards in the maritime industry.
As part of its offering, the IMCSO will offer a cyber certification scheme to allow qualification as an offensive security practitioner or maritime cybersecurity specialist in addition to specific fields including secure by design and cloud security.
A risk register database will also be maintained by the IMCSO containing the results of ship assessments and audits enabling relevant parties to access the cyber risk profile of any given vessel.
Also an authorised supplier registry will also be made available by the IMCSO, and will act as a record of approved suppliers within the maritime cybersecurity speciality. Applicant organisations will need to meet certain certification and accreditation standards such as ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 as well as strict certification criteria.