IVCC buys robotic welding system – Shaw Local

The Illinois Valley Community College Board of Trustees on Thursday purchased a robotic welding system for the welding program.
The board accepted the bid of Aidex Corp. of Rossville, Ind., at $100,400. The purchase is funded through a grant.
The board also renewed a lease for the University of Illinois Extension Program to use six rooms totaling 1,300 square feet in the IVCC main campus building. Annual rent will be $18,204 and the lease extends through June 30, 2027.
In her monthly report, President Tracy Morris informed Board members:
Upcoming events include commencement on May 18, nurse pinning ceremonies on May 18 and July 10, Adult Education Recognition on May 22, IVCC Alumni Night at the Illinois Valley Pistol Shrimp game on May 31, and a theater department alumni celebration on June 29.
Fall enrollment increased in headcount and credit hours over last fall, and summer enrollment also saw increases over a year ago in all categories: traditional credit, dual-credit and online courses.
Eagles Peak usage peaked in February and April, averaged 38 visits a month in January through April, and served an average of 24 households occupied by 31 children.
The board approved a two-year employment contract for Vice President of Business Services Kathryn Ross, and appointed Ellen Evancheck as the director of Learning Resources. Heather Seghi and Jennifer Scheri were approved to provide interim Workforce Development support while a vacancy in that division is being filled.
The Board learned:
Katelyn Vigars was appointed head volleyball coach.
Nursing instructor Marjorie Francisco retires this month after 20 years
Nursing instructor Cathy Lenkaitis was selected for an Illinois Board of Higher Education Nurse Educator Award. The fellowship awards 10,000 to nursing faculty for professional development, conference expenses, and continuing education. A total of 80 fellowships was awarded.