Jackson robotics team is on its way to the world championship

- Video shows students at the Jackson Area Career Center practicing with their robot, Magnitude.
- The team, the Jacktown Vectors, includes students from across the county.
- They will be competing against 600 teams between April 17-20 in Houston, Texas.
Students from all over Jackson County are soon heading down to Houston, Texas for the robotics world championship, competing against 600 teams from all over the world.
“Last time we went was my freshman year,” said Junior, Mikyah Neville. “I’m super excited to go back and see all the teams. There’s going to be so many teams there, and it’s just an amazing experience.”
The team has been working all season on their robot “Magnitude.”
Neville explained that the premise of the competition is for the robot to pick up orange rings (notes) and shoot them in either a speaker or an amp. At the end of the competition, the robot also has to climb a chain. This isn’t the first time that Career Center students have competed at worlds, but their instructor says this year’s group is special.
“Their leadership style is really amazing” said instructor John Riedeman. “There’s no ‘one true leader’ of them. – They’ve been able to collaborate and listen to each other, and you don’t really see that very often with teenagers.”
For junior Amelia Lynd, it’ll be her first time competing at this level. “I’m a little nervous because states was a little crazy with the pit crew. There’s going to be a lot more teams around, it’s going to be really crazy.”
However, Riedeman says the team is heading to Houston, ready to compete. “This kids are just nailing everything.”
The team will be leaving on a bus Monday for the competition that starts April 17, with the hopes of bringing home the championship.
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