Local entrepreneurs, biz owners are invited to apply to ‘BizPitch’

Entrepreneurs and small business owners in Bulloch County are invited to apply to be part of the annual “BizPitch Savannah” entrepreneurial competition
The deadline to submit an application is midnight on Aug. 11, according to a release from BizPitch Savannah.
BizPitch Savannah is an annual communitywide “Shark Tank”-style event organized and presented by the Savannah Chapter of SCORE. A partner of the U.S. Small Business Administration, SCORE is the nation’s largest provider of free business mentoring and educational programs for small businesses, business owners and entrepreneurs.
Each year, area entrepreneurs are invited to apply to pitch their business idea or their small business. Now in its seventh year, the eight accepted entrants will pitch their business ideas to a panel of judges
at the annual BizPitch event Oct. 18 from 4-8 p.m. in the Eckberg Auditorium of Savannah Technical College on White Bluff Rd. in Savannah.
Three of the finalists will be selected to receive cash and professional services valued at more than $10,000 to help them launch their new or existing small business. The public is invited to attend the free event, as well.
To enter, the business must meet several requirements: All applicants must be at least 18 years of age and the proposed businesses may be either a start-up or an existing business with earnings under $100,000.
Also, the three finalists must agree to locate the business in one of the following counties: Bulloch, Bryan, Chatham, Effingham, Glynn, Liberty or McIntosh.
Full competition rules and requirements are available now at bizpitchsavannah.com.
To apply, go to bizpitchsavannah.com. Entrants will receive a link to the online application upon payment of the non-refundable $25 entry fee.
As a partner of the SBA, SCORE operates 240 chapters with more than 10,000 expert volunteer business mentors across the country. Savannah SCORE was named “2019 Mid-Market Chapter of the Year” and is a Diamond Level Chapter, an honor achieved by fewer than 10% of SCORE chapters.
To learn more about SCORE, visit www.score.org.