Local mechanic offers auto advice to keep car cool during hot weather | Local

Hector Garcia says a lot of people neglect changing their oil, coolant, and antifreeze.
BURTON, Mich. (WJRT) – During this heatwave, everything has to work harder to stay cool, including automobiles.
Engines already run hot, and if not maintained, things can go wrong.
Burton mechanic Hector Garcia is booked for the next two weeks with A/C and engine repairs.
One of the biggest mistakes he hears from customers is driving after the overheating light comes on.
“We ended up having to replace the engine, replace the transmission because the radiator had nothing to cool the transmission fluid with,” he said, recalling a client from several years prior. “It cost him over $18,000.”
Garcia said drivers can cause their own problems, neglecting maintenance.
“A low oil level in your engine can cause more friction. More friction causes more heat,” Garcia advised. “Keep the level of your antifreeze where it needs to be. Very important.”
It’s advice echoed by Gary Bubar, a spokesperson for AAA. He recommends drivers get their coolant replaced based on the frequency listed in the car’s manual.
“Folks haven’t checked their fluids, and they haven’t had their radiators flushed and filled lately,” he says.
In addition to regularly checking the coolant, oil, and antifreeze levels, Bubar said drivers need to check their battery.
“It takes about a third, again, that much more power to start your car when it’s hot out,” he explained.
Garcia said if drivers take care of small maintenance problems, they can stop them from growing into much bigger ones later.
“You get a cracked head, a cracked head gasket, and now we’re dismantling an engine,” he remarked.