Local officials attend workshop on cybersecurity, water contaminants

Nearly 20 local town managers, public works administrators and water plant operators participated in Need to Know: Water Essentials, a workshop held May 3, at the Delaware Rural Water Association office in Milford.
The all-day seminar, co-hosted by the Delaware League of Local Governments, featured regional speakers who provided insight into cybersecurity threats to water plants; tips and techniques for securing state and federal funding, and instruction on removal of water contaminants such as PFAS, copper and lead.
“Attendees, or decision makers, provide the crucial link between boots-on-the-ground daily operations and policies set in place by elected officials,” said DRWA Executive Director Heather Warren.
DLLG Executive Director Dr. Kevin Spence said, “Part of the league’s job is to support local government through advocacy, but also education. The league is also teaming up with other local nonprofits beyond programs and partnership with the University of Delaware to ensure up-to-date professional development for local leaders.”