
Local teams competing in VEX Robotics World Championship | WJHL

DALLAS, Texas (WJHL) – The VEX Robotics World Championship kicked off on Thursday with the first of three events, and two local teams representing Indian Trail Middle School and Sullivan East Middle School are present.

Indian Trail’s Mushabbar Raza, Byron Eisenzopf and Sam Quaintance, and Sullivan East’s Evan Phillips are among hundreds of teams competing in the world championship. All competing teams are placed into a division:

  • VEX V5 Robotics Competition- High School
  • VEX V5 Robotics Competition- Middle School
  • VEX U Robotics Competition
  • VEX IQ Robotics Competition- Middle School
  • VEX IQ Robotics Competition- Elementary School

Teams created engineering notebooks and will undergo a series of interviews, followed by a final deliberation.

The competition is at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, Texas, and will last until May 3.

The VEX Robotics World Championship is sponsored by the Northrop Gruman Foundation.

To learn more about the competition or stay up-to-date with the competition’s individual events, please visit VEX Robotics World Championship.


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