
Microsoft employees’ cybersecurity work will factor into their pay

Satya Nadella, chief executive officer of Microsoft Corp., arrives to federal court in Washington, DC, US, on Monday, Oct. 2, 2023. Nadella is set to take the stand today as part of the Justice Department’s antitrust trial against Alphabet Inc’s Google.

Nathan Howard | Bloomberg | Getty Images

Microsoft will evaluate its employees’ cybersecurity contributions in reviews that will factor into their compensation, Brad Smith, the company’s vice chair and president, told members of a house committee ahead of a Thursday U.S. House committee hearing on the software maker’s security practices.

The changes represent part of Microsoft’s efforts to address concerns about how much it’s doing to protect its clients’ data. In April, the Department of Homeland Security issued a report based on an independent review of China’s breach of U.S. government officials’ email accounts, an incident that Microsoft disclosed last year. Microsoft committed to changing some practices in response to shortcomings identified in the report.


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