Multi-Conveyor lauds success of Winneconne Robotics Club

Winneconne, Wis.-based Multi-Conveyor offers a big congratulations to the Winneconne Robotics Club’s Cody Skadahl (grade 5), Jory Bastian (grade 5), Ryker Morden (grade 4), and Sullivan McCabe (grade 4), who earned two trophies at two separate tournaments this year.
The grade-schoolers’ robotics team won the Energy Award and The Innovate Award (State Qualifier) and participated in three tournaments before qualifying for the state tournament in Green Bay, Wis.
Multi-Conveyor was proud to sponsor Team 233D Iron Destroyers for the State Tournament this year, and were under the direction of Multi-Conveyor’s own Jim Morden, mechanical engineer, who notes he had a great time coaching as the kids learned about designing, programming, documentation and testing their robot.