NDOT announces National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure update

LINCOLN, NE – The Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) recently announced updates to its National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) plan. Updates include a schedule for applications, information about the NEVI program and a map of the Alternative Fuel Corridor (AFC).
As the program advances through procurement to implementation and build out, additional information will be made available.
The passage of LB 1317 is allowing NDOT to take the next step in rolling out the federally supported NEVI program. The submittal period for applicants is tentatively expected to open in August, along with a detailed RFP on NDOT’s website to help guide applicants through the submittal process.

$30 million in federal funding will be made available to NDOT over the course of five years. Currently the amount available is approximately $17 million. NDOT plans to award seven strategic locations along Nebraska’s Alternative Fuel Corridor (I-80) to comply with Federal NEVI requirements. The AFC’s are required to be built out prior to investments being made on public roads or in other publicly accessible locations.
The seven strategic locations include Omaha, York, Kearney, Gothenburg, Big Springs, Sidney, and Kimball.
States must comply with the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Standards and Requirements (title 23 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 680).