New appointment at Pop Up

UK based low level access supplier Pop Up Products has appointed Dan Meehan as product management co-ordinator.
Meehan, 23, a product design graduate from the University of Chester, joins Pop Up’s product design and engineering group after seven months as a design sales assistant with kitchen and furnishings supplier Magnet.

Speaking of his appointment and entry into the access industry Meehan said: “At university I developed an understanding of how a product is designed, developed, manufactured and the process every product takes to go from concept to reality. That knowledge and understanding will be put to full use in my role at Pop Up which is really rewarding.”
Based in Flint, north Wales, the company was established in 1973 as Northern Scaffold Group – NSG – to produce alloy scaffold towers, moving production to Hungary in 2004. Managers Paul Gallacher, Nigel Wodger and Adrian Blomeley teamed up for a Management Buy Out of the business in 2003 and in 2005 developed the idea of a lightweight, practical push around scissor lift, setting up Pop Up Products at the end of that year. In January 2006 they launched the first Pop Up push around lift and the concept of such a product at the Hire Show – See: A viable push around lift?.
The timing of the launch was perfect, and the product was an immediate success. As a result, they demerged the Pop Up business and built it into a successful standalone business