New Cybersecurity Major | Grand View University

May 10, 2024
Grand View University is excited to announce a new undergraduate program, Cybersecurity. Grand View’s online Cybersecurity program will prepare students to enter the workforce in network and information security related roles, including completing initial network certification exams while still working on their undergraduate studies.
The program is offered entirely online in conjunction with a consortium, where leading cybersecurity experts developed the program and experts in the field continually refine the content and ensure that the curriculum aligns with industry standards for multiple career tracks.
Students will learn hacking prevention, hacking response, forensics, cybersecurity crime, network security, programming and more. As part of the program, students will create a polished portfolio, demonstrating their skills. While this program can be completed entirely online, students can take some in-person, daytime computer sciences classes if they choose.
According to Cyberseek, the supply to demand ratio for cybersecurity workers in Iowa is 71%, which is about the same as the national ratio, 72%. The website also emphasizes the certifications sought by organizations for workers in cybersecurity. Students graduating from the cybersecurity program will be prepared to take the initial CompTIA+ certifications as part of their courses.