New maritime cybersecurity industry body launched

On 18th June, the International Maritime Cyber Security Organisation (IMCSO) commenced efforts to elevate cybersecurity risk assessment standards within the maritime industry.
As explained, IMCSO has developed a certification program for security consultants and a professional registry, aimed at helping shipping organizations choose qualified personnel with relevant experience.
Historically, placing cyber security professionals on board has also been problematic. Many ships captains do not want the additional overhead of escorting individuals who do not have a traditional, working maritime background. Providing risk and technical audit results to port authorities and insurers alike has, because of the wide spectrum of assessment methodologies, become an overhead too. Furthermore, the lack of skilled Cyber security auditors and crews.
The IMCSO mission is to be the standard in the maritime cyber security industry, a collective voice, working towards alignment and standardisation. By setting frameworks for effective, universally adoptable methodology and innovating for future developments. Be transparent, reliable, deliver cyber security by design towards digitalization, green technology and Autonomous shipping.
Cybersecurity has been mandated by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) which requires shipping companies to implement measures to protect their onboard safety management systems and to regularly audit them.
…said Campbell Murray, CEO at IMCSO.
The IMCSO simplifies the risk assessment process and gives third parties the information they need to accurately determine risk.
..said Global Technical Director. Classification Society.