
News – Entrepreneurship at Cornell

For innovators looking to make an impact with their climate technology research, entrepreneurship is a powerful tool. Climate tech startups like the carbon utilization company Carbon Upcycling advance climate solutions while creating jobs, stimulating the economy and improving industries.  At an event this month co-hosted by W.E. Cornell and the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability, Madison Savilow, Chief of Staff at Carbon Upcycling, shared her insights on this burgeoning industry in a fireside chat with Andrea Ippolito ’06, M.Eng. ’07, Director of W.E. Cornell and founder of SimpliFed.  Savilow joined Carbon Upcycling part time during her final year at the University of Calgary. She was looking for a laid-back job and instead found herself in the fast-paced environment of a startup. She joined the company full time after graduation.  “I just fell in love with it right away,” she said. “I think for me, it was the fact that we weren’t just building a startup, we were building an industry, because carbon utilization was so new.”  Valued at more than $34 million, Carbon Upcycling’s technology transforms carbon dioxide, industrial waste and natural materials to produce improved materials, with a focus on cement. Although the technology has other applications, mentors advised […]


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