NEXTies 2024 Entrepreneurs of the Year: Tram Vu and Chelsea Cabrera (Mariposa Coffee) Spotlight

Wow, the NEXTies are almost here! Hey Tram and Chelsea, excited to get started! Could you give a background of yourselves? How did the two of you end up in Santa Cruz?
Chelsea is the daughter of Cuban refugees, born and raised in Miami, Florida. Her cultural influences started at home. “I may not have grown up in Cuba, but you don’t need to be born in Cuba to be Cuban. I grew up in a very Cuban household with a very Cuban family and community.” Chelsea draws inspiration from the stories she was told as a child about this beautiful island, “la isla más bella del mundo.” From the stories of her great grandmother (la Bella Bon Bon) and her life as a professional performer, artist and world traveler. The stories of all the matriarchs before her that made unimaginable sacrifices in order to lay the foundation for their children to build upon. She draws inspiration from her culture’s history, the good, the bad, the ugly and the magical. The history and the art, music and flavors that tell the story.
She received her education at a local hospital-based RN program and worked in a variety of specialties including clinical research trials, emergency/trauma and intensive care. In 2017, she moved to California to work as a travel nurse. After over a decade of high acuity care, she traded her stethoscope for an espresso machine and a dream.
“I’m very fortunate to have had many wonderful and unique experiences. I’ve experienced what it’s like to live somewhere other than where I come from, by choice. I’ve experienced life in many different places with many different people. I’ve experienced what it’s like to see someone take their first breath and their last. I’ve experienced a great deal of sorrow and grief as well as a great deal of happiness, gratitude and joy. It’s these and many other experiences that have led me here and I couldn’t be more excited.”
Tram moved to Santa Cruz in 2015 to start her first business, The Sandwich Spot. With a passion for food and a yearning for entrepreneurial life, she teamed up with Chelsea to create a niche menu and food experience heavily influenced by both of their family’s cultures. Born in Vietnam, Tram immigrated to the States at the age of two and spent her childhood in San Jose before moving to Davis to complete her bachelors in Economics with a double minor in Communications and Women’s Studies.
“Food has always been at the center of my family functions and all my aunties love to cook and they do it well.” Tram always had an interest in food, constantly studying the Food Network growing up and dabbling in the kitchen to learn new techniques and flavors. While attending UC Davis, she would work various restaurant jobs occupying as many positions in the food industry as possible to prepare for the dream of one day operating her own place. Fast forward to the pandemic era, Tram and Chelsea started playing with the concept of sharing their culture’s coffee with friends and the idea took off to become a pop-up and now to its first brick and mortar. We want to share the flavors and ideas that make Vietnamese and Cuban food unique. The dream is to continue to serve our community with food and beverages that our family taught us.

What have you each learned from the other? What do you appreciate about one another?
I have learned a lot from Tram. Tram has shown me what a great deal of patience and grace looks like. Tram has shown me what hard work, discipline and determination look like. Tram can do literally anything she sets her mind to, no matter how long it may take or how difficult it may be to master. Not only can one do it, but one can succeed and excel at it. What I appreciate most of all, is that Tram Vu has shown me the true meaning of friendship and sisterhood. And for that, I am infinitely grateful.
Chelsea will show you what it means to love with all your heart. She is a constant reminder of what it’s like to have passion and to stand up for what you love and believe in. Did she mention that she’s an emergency room nurse? That should give you an idea of her determination and work ethic. I am extremely grateful for our partnership, but most importantly I appreciate the opportunity to embark on this journey with one of my best friends.
What inspired the creation of Mariposa?
Coffee, camping and connection. We met in the summer of 2019 and as we began to get to know each other, it became very obvious that coffee was a huge part of our individual upbringing and cultures. We continued to bond over our love for food, coffee and the outdoors. It wasn’t until after 2020 that we sat down and chatted about our own individual journeys and it seemed as though we were both at an impasse. Tram was tapping out with her potential for growth at The Sandwich Spot and needed a new creative venture.
Chelsea, feeling burnt out, recalled a time when she had considered investing in a food truck but didn’t have any potential business partners with experience in the industry.
It was then when we came up with the idea to test out a pop-up.
What skills did you bring to Mariposa, and what things did you have to learn and overcome?
The freedom to pursue our own dreams, to write our own rules and to create without boundaries. We both dream too big to be clocking in for someone else’s purpose. The road to entrepreneurship is extremely difficult, but the rewards are worth it.
What do each of you do on a daily basis as entrepreneurs?
Tram says “try to get some sleep.” In all honesty, we live and breathe Mariposa but strive to maintain a balance between work and all other aspects of life.
Chelsea: Remind myself that I can’t do it all in one day. Check in with myself and others. The simple things like trying to stay hydrated and fed. Making sure I go outside, breathe and just take it all one step at a time.
What challenges and benefits are there to being women entrepreneurs?
Finding work-life balance is probably the biggest challenge at this stage of our journey. If you’ve stopped by and seen a toddler running around the shop or a pitbull sun-bathing on the sidewalk then we’ve given you just a glimpse of what our life is like. Being a business owner already takes an incredible amount of time and energy. Tram birthed a baby, we birthed a business and began building an entirely new life from the ground up.
And of course, access to funding and raising capital can be a challenge, particularly for women-owned businesses. Especially when you pitch an idea that may be defiant of social expectations.
Thankfully, we have an incredible community that supports us in every possible way. We couldn’t have done it without them and we are so so grateful. If it wasn’t for all of the friends, family and community members that have helped us build, plant, paint, spackle, clean, move furniture, load and unload the car (just to mention a few), etc. we wouldn’t be where we are today.

What advice would you give to others interested in entrepreneurship?
Nurture your ideas, be willing to work on that idea consistently and understand the possibility that a return on investment is not immediate. Be sure you’re willing to commit and be consistent. Things don’t always have to be perfect and learn from every challenge or mistake.
How does Santa Cruz influence what you do? What are some benefits and challenges of working in Santa Cruz?
Santa Cruz reminds us to slow down, breathe in the fresh air and soak up some sunshine. We are fortunate to work and live in a place that most people visit for vacation. On the flip side, living here is incredibly expensive and it is financially challenging for local businesses during the off-season.
What aspirations do you have for yourselves?
We aspire to have more time for ourselves, friends and family. And we aspire to continue to build a life that keeps us fulfilled.
Sunshine, warmth and more time outdoors.
Is there anything else we should know about the two of you, or Mariposa, or any other things you have going on?
Tram’s Kitchen Sink is a monthly pop-up dinner focused on a unique dining experience every last Monday of the month. For example, we’ve hosted Hot Pot dinners, dinner & movie experiences, etc.
We are constantly dreaming, creating and very much planning on more community events coming soon so give us a follow on Instagram (@mariposa_coffeebar) for the latest updates! We also have a website!
Thanks, thats all the questions we have for you! Get your ticket to the NEXTies to come say hi to them and other movers and shakers being highlighted at this years’ May 17th NEXTies awards! See you there!