OSCE Unveils Strategy to Shift Women’s Entrepreneurship Narratives in Montenegro

The Office of the Coordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OCEEA) presented a communication strategy which it developed for the Ministry of Economic Development of Montenegro to support women’s entrepreneurship in the country. The strategy, along with a study, was launched at an event in Podgorica on “Challenging Stereotypes and Changing Narratives to Women’s Entrepreneurship in Montenegro”.
The event was opened by Andjela Gajevic, Director General of the Directorate for Improving Competitiveness in the Ministry of Economic Development who thanked the OSCE for the communication strategy and stressed that it will be instrumental for improving policies and developing initiatives to promote women’s entrepreneurship. It will also serve as a baseline for a new strategy.
Ambassador Dominique Waag, Head of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, welcomed participants and stressed that “empowering women to become successful entrepreneurs is not just a matter of fairness of equality – it is an investment in the future with far-reaching economic, social, and cultural returns”.
The event presented a study on attitudes towards women’s entrepreneurship in Montenegro and showcased four short films produced by students of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts of the University of Cetinje which addressed some of the limiting attitudes women place on themselves, such as lack of confidence in their own talents and abilities. A panel discussion ensued among women entrepreneurs who discussed some of the stereotypes and socio-cultural norms holding women back from starting their own businesses and what can be done to overcome them, specifically looking at motivations and obstacles such as “imposter syndrome”.
“Promoting a female entrepreneurial culture is an integral component of an enabling eco-system that can foster women’s entrepreneurship, particularly in an increasingly competitive and digitalized business environment, as well as being key to economic empowerment. This includes tackling gender stereotypes and addressing cultural norms that can negatively influence women’s career choices and opportunities,” said Vera Strobachova Budway, acting Senior Economic Officer and Head of the Economic Governance Unit at the OSCE.
The event was part of the OCEEA’s “I WILL” project, which stands for Inspiring Women’s Initiative taking for Lasting Leadership. The project was launched in 2021 with the aim of supporting the Ministry of Economic Development of Montenegro in implementing the National Strategy for Women’s Entrepreneurship 2021-2024. The main objective of the project was to provide the Ministry of Economic Development with an evidence-based public communication strategy that challenges gender stereotypes, social norms and consequent behaviours that limit women’s initiative-taking and leadership in Montenegro.