Pipedrive CRM Review 2024: Features, Pricing & More

Pipedrive features

Imagine if you could quickly glance at an efficient and beautiful sales dashboard to see which deals are due to close this month. Or imagine if your entire team could quickly access your lead flow from an easy-to-understand dashboard. Let’s take a much more in-depth look at the many features that Pipedrive offers. That way, you can get a solid indication of how Pipedrive can help stimulate your sales team.

Pipeline management

Pipeline management puts your lead generation and sales process front and center using a proven methodology. Now you and your team will know which moves to make to increase conversions and stay on target.

Managing Leads Screen

You’ll never lose track of a lead again. Image source: Author

In your main Pipedrive dashboard, you can see the status of every step in the sales stage, so your team knows which steps to take next. The dashboard is very intuitive, so you can understand your priorities and focus your marketing efforts like a laser beam.

Pipedrive’s best pipeline management features:

  • Easily find the exact stats you’re seeking. You can easily spot trends and find answers to questions that you have about your lead generation process in just a glance.
  • You can quickly and easily customize each level of your pipeline to match your unique sales and marketing process.
  • You can easily add deals, activities, and contacts using the intuitive visual layout.

Email integration

Have you ever been irritated when a prospect asks you for help, but you have no clue who they are or how they found you? If so, then you’re wasting a ton of time and effort.

Wouldn’t it be better if you knew who each prospect was, and where they were in your marketing process? Pipedrive makes this easy by connecting your emails with your contacts.

Dealing with a disorganized lead flow can cost your small company big bucks! Especially if a client catches that you are unprepared or disorganized.

Pipedrive makes it ridiculously easy to track your leads and email conversions. You’ll know the status of every prospect and which emails they open. You’ll also know their exact status so you can focus on offering stellar support, follow ups, or sales.

Pipedrive’s best email integration features:

  • Easily sync your emails to your email inbox, so your marketing and lead-gen data are easy to access and centralized.
  • Pipedrive helps you stay organized, big time. You can send emails directly from Pipedrive and have that email synced on your email accounts as well.
  • Real-time notifications inform you as soon as prospects open emails or click on links. This way, you can follow up when you’re fresh on your prospect’s mind, like magic!

Activities and goals

For your small business, knowledge is power. The activities and goals feature that Pipedrive boasts provides insights into what’s happening in your business, and what’s coming up. It’s also flexible so that you can define different tasks and activities according to your business needs. If you want to schedule your deals so that you never miss an upcoming meeting, sales call, or deal milestone, then you’ll love this feature. You can easily sync your entire to-do list with Google calendar. You’ll always know what’s coming up so you can prepare with utmost diligence.

Pipedrive’s best activities and goals features:

  • Easily assign tasks to individual team members so everyone can take advantage of their unique skills.
  • Use the “deal rotting” feature to quickly identify missed meetings or flubbed opportunities.
  • You’ll always know what’s coming next in your entire pipeline and sales flow so you can adequately plan for the best impact.

Lead generation

You can have the most trustworthy business in the world, but if you don’t generate (and close) your leads, then you’re nearly guaranteed to fail. That’s why you’ll love the prospect generation features that Pipedrive offers.

Pipedrive can help you launch and deploy a smart bot that can collect leads on your website. You can then route those leads to your best sales representative automatically. That way, you never let your website visitors fall through the cracks. You can also take advantage of your sales team using smart automation and leverage.

Pipedrive’s best lead generation features:

  • Capture leads right on your website with a chatbot, so you never let a warm lead go cold.
  • Immediately route your leads to your best sales team representatives so that you can turn that warm lead into a sizzling-hot scorcher!
  • Let your website visitors schedule meetings, calls, or consultations right on your website using bots. Bots rock your marketing world because they never call out sick, sleep, or ignore your prospect’s interest.

Sales reporting

Reporting Screen

Reports in Pipedrive are easy to create and beautiful to view. Image source: Author

Data is useless if you can’t readily understand its implications. On the other hand, information is arguably your single most valuable marketing asset if it’s super easy to understand.

That’s why Pipedrive boasts a magnificent sales reporting dashboard. You can readily understand the key performance indicators that make your business boom (or whimper).

Pipedrive reporting features make it straightforward to visualize your top performers and also your struggling sales team members.

Pipedrive’s best sales reporting features:

  • Easily visualize your key performance indicators so you can see what’s working, and what isn’t.
  • Quickly grasp important information in beautiful charts and graphs that reveal details about your business.
  • Straightforward reporting allows you to enhance your marketing and sales objectives at every level.

Sales forecasting

Imagine if you had an intelligent sales forecasting tool that could help you choose which deals and prospects to focus on in your marketing efforts. As small business owners and marketers, we don’t have infinite amounts of time every day. That’s why it’s so essential for us to make the most out of every moment. With Pipedrive, you’ll have absolute clarity so you can choose the right activities and deals to focus on every time.

Pipedrive’s best sales forecasting features:

  • Zero in on deals that are most likely to close so that you can make the most out of your valuable time.
  • Empower your marketing managers and sales team to focus relentlessly on low-hanging fruit.
  • Customize your forecasts to focus on dates, products, deals, and more.


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