Pitt County robotics team reaches national semifinal, receives big reward

GREENVILLE, N.C. (WNCT) — FIRST North Carolina Robotics gives students a chance to solve problems and work together while implementing their robotic skills. Pitt Pirates Robotics, a local team comprised of Pitt County high school students has earned recognition on a global scale.
The team returned from the FIRST International Championships in Houston and made it to the semifinals. They also received the Engineering Inspiration Award, which is something only eight teams in the world are recognized for.
{{carson fraley/ senior}}
“The robot didn’t always, didn’t really end how we wanted it to be. We didn’t get to play in our last match. But we, I would say this is the best our team has done in all 17 years of us just being a team,” said senior Carson Fraley.
“I’m sad that it’s ending. I’ve been in this shop for six years. So it was bittersweet, but I just think that I’ve learned that not to take advantage of the time you have.”
The team finished 50th out of 3,000 teams around the world. Although the squad didn’t make it as far as they hoped, they are proud of their impact on spreading science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) throughout Pitt County.