Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle sales greatly increase
Global passenger electric vehicle (EV) sales have continued to grow. However, plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) sales have significantly increased year-on-year, leaving their battery-only counterparts trailing, Report informs referring to The Register.
According to figures from Counterpoint, PHEV sales significantly rose in the first quarter of 2024, with a 46 percent year-on-year growth. Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) registered just seven percent growth.
The shift will alarm some – Greenpeace memorably described PHEVs as “the car industry’s ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’” thanks to their relatively limited battery-only range, and greater weight.
There is also the issue of charging a BEV. In a country like the UK, customers without off-street parking must first find a working charge point and be prepared to navigate an often complex – and expensive – array of options to charge their battery.
Overall EV (BEV+PHEV) sales grew by 18 percent year-on-year, with China being the clear leader with a 28 percent uptick. Growth in the US was considerably more modest, with two percent overall growth recorded and a three percent drop in BEV sales.
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