Public call for national professionals for participation in the Train-the-Trainers Program on cybersecurity for MSMEs

UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina Announces Public call for national professionals for participation in the Train-the-Trainers Program on cybersecurity for MSMEs
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in collaboration with the Czech-UNDP Partnership for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), has announced a public call for national professionals to participate in a Train-the-Trainers Program on Cybersecurity for Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs).
The Train-the-Trainers Program aims to develop a national cohort of cybersecurity trainers who can provide training and advisory services to MSMEs. The program will cover three modules spanning over 5 days, including:
Introduction to Cybersecurity for Trainers
MSME Risks, Threats, and Mitigations
Technical Audits and Processes for MSMEs
Tools for MSMEs and Daily Security Operations
Expanding Topics including IoT Security and EU Legislation
Participants will receive ready-to-use learning materials and methodological guidance to perform cybersecurity risk assessments and offer practical security recommendations to MSMEs.
This call is open to nationals of Bosnia and Herzegovina who meet the required criteria and are interested in enhancing the cybersecurity resilience of the private sector. The training program will involve 10 consultants/trainers in an intensive, practical course designed to address the complex cybersecurity issues faced by MSMEs. The training program is designed to equip future trainers with the materials, concepts, and understanding necessary to address the complex cybersecurity issues faced by MSMEs.
After successfully completing the training, all participants will receive a formal certificate of completion. More information about the public call and application requirements can be found:
Public call for national professionals for participation in the Train-the-Trainers Program
Application form
The deadline for submitting applications is June 10, 2024, by the end of the working day.
All applications must be submitted by email to with the subject line “Application for participation in train-the-trainers program on cybersecurity for MSMEs”.