Readers’ views on artificial intelligence « Euro Weekly News

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to become a more integral part of people’s everyday lives.

We asked our readers if they thought AI was good or bad for society.

Georgina Doran from Ireland, now living in Albir, had this to say, “Technology is exciting and we must embrace change or we will be left behind.  However, it is crucial to ensure that AI is developed and used in an ethical and responsible manner.”

She continued “It is like anything, everything is ok in moderation. Society creates original ideas with feelings and this is something that AI can’t achieve.”

Georgina Doran
Credit: Georgina Doran

Ingrid Moya Martinez, who moved to Benidorm from Cuba has mixed feelings about AI, “I believe AI has positive aspects for society as well as negative ones.  For example, as a positive, I believe that with AI you can obtain faster and more efficient results, you can automate many processes and thus maintain more optimal and detailed control.”

She went on to say, “In short, it would develop technology in an extraordinary way, which leads to a fairly important disadvantage and that is that jobs would decrease considerably.”

Ingrid Moya Martinez
Credit: Ingrid Moya Martinez

How will AI change society?

David Collada, a Cuban who has lived in Spain for more than 20 years and is a regular user of AI, feels it is good for society: “I am precisely quite immersed in this AI; I think of this technology as a revolution more like the industrial revolution or the internet revolution. It will streamline many processes, and like any revolution, at first, it will destroy many jobs, but in the long run, it will create many more.”

David Collada
Credit: David Collada

Rosalinda Garcia, who came to Spain from England at a very young age, was scathing in her views on AI, “It has been present for much longer than we know and they have told us. Little by little they are making it known to the world’s population and we no longer know what is real and what is a lie and this is dangerous to society.”

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