Robotics Highlight at New ‘FarmRobotix’ Program DLG Feldtage

During the DLG Feldtage near Erwitte, Germany, the organization paid serious attention to field robots for the first time. Various practical models demonstrated their capabilities in soil cultivation, hoeing, and crop protection.
The DLG Feldtage, an outdoor fair with numerous demonstrations on 55 hectares of the 290-hectare arable farm Gut Brockhof, attracted 17,000 visitors from 45 countries from June 11 to 13. They were welcomed by 370 exhibitors from 18 countries. For the first time, several of these exhibitors were united in the new ‘FarmRobotix’ program, a new section of the fair focused on practical robot and precision farming solutions for both organic and conventional arable farming. Until this year’s edition, the so-called ‘Field Robot Event’ with miniature robots from student teams was the main aspect of the DLG Feldtage in the field of autonomy and robotics. This Field Robot Event, where miniature robots perform various tasks, also took place this year but as part of FarmRobotix.