RXNT Launches Advanced Reporting Analytics Tools to Help Medical Practices With Data-Driven Decision-Making

This highly anticipated addition turns data into action by giving providers interactive, dynamic reporting insights on their revenue and aging, patient experience and demographics, prescriptions and encounters, and more.
ANNAPOLIS, Md., April 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Healthcare software technology company RXNT has launched new Advanced Reporting tools as part of its integrated Clinical and Practice Management software systems. The dynamic reporting dashboards are designed to be intuitive, customizable, and filterable, and can be exported to empower providers to do more with practice data through comprehensive insights and KPIs, enabling deeper understanding and more informed, data-driven decision-making. Clinical-focused insights will also help medical practices and their providers continue to uphold the highest standards of patient care.
Each dashboard is interactive, with a default display view of six months and a fully customizable date range. Users can also filter data extensively by provider, patient, billing event type, prescription status, service location, and many more. Many KPI modules can also be exported, giving users the flexibility to view data in Excel or another spreadsheet application.
According to the University of Southern California’s Sol Price School of Public Policy, “Organizations across industries use data analytics … to increase revenue, reduce costs, create operational efficiencies and improve overall performance. Data analytics used by hospitals, clinics, and other health care providers can do all that and even more — it can also help save lives. Health care data analytics can deliver better patient services and improve patient outcomes [but] … data diversity, as well as regulations and policy changes, will be necessary to ensure unbiased analytics.“
As of March 2024, Advanced Reporting dashboards are currently available for RXNT’s Electronic Health Records, Medical Billing, and Practice Scheduling software programs. EHR and Scheduling dashboards are available for Patient Demographic Insights, Practice Insights, Prescription Insights, and Encounter Insights, while Medical Billing users can access Revenue Insights, RCM Insights, the Activity Report, and the Cash Basis Aging Report. Furthermore, Rejection Insights and RVU Insights dashboards are anticipated to launch by Q3 of 2024, with more information releasing soon!
“Billing and RCM analysis can be incredibly complicated for providers … [but] our Advanced Reporting tool will transform the way billers and medical organizations gather valuable insights on their financial and operational performance.”
– Randy Boldyga, President & CEO of RXNT
These valuable insights allow medical billers and billing departments to respond swiftly to evolving conditions, spot trends, reduce errors, and optimize revenue generation to improve day-to-day workflows and create efficiencies. Providers can utilize these clinical insights to provide more streamlined care, improved customer service and the patient experience, and a better understanding of the patient population they serve.
Learn more about RXNT’s intuitive features for practices and the entire system of healthcare software here.
About RXNT
Since 1999, RXNT has offered integrated, customizable, cloud-based medical office management tools, including Electronic Health Records with E-Prescribing and Patient Portal, and Practice Management with Medical Billing and Scheduling, plus mobile applications and telehealth functionality for the modern, agile practice. Using RXNT’s suite of software, more than 100 million prescriptions have been transmitted, and $300 million in claims are processed annually. To learn more, visit https://www.rxnt.com.