
‘Small’ Fowlerville robotics team ready to compete on big stage

M. Alan Scott

FOWLERVILLE — The Fowlerville FIRST Robotics Team is truly the “little” team that could.

Comprised of just five members, the Fowlerville team has secured a spot in the prestigious FIRST Robotics World Championship being held in Houston this week. It is the first time that Fowlerville, which first organized a team in 2018, has advanced to the international finals.

Despite being one of the smallest teams in the competition, the Fowlerville team has demonstrated unmatched efficiency and creativity, and a commitment to practice and excellence, said its head coach Ray Burr.

“What’s unique about being small is that everyone on the team helps everyone else with all aspects,” Burr said. “You can’t really have specialists who (are only capable) of doing one thing. “We’ve been able to cross-train everyone, and (all five team members) work together to problem solve when needed.”

Each year, teams from around the globe are tasked with designing and building a new robot from scratch, tailored to meet specific competition requirements. The robots then go head-to-head in a series of rounds, performing tasks that challenge their design, speed, efficiency and the strategic thinking of their creators.


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