Stories of Latino Entrepreneurship – KLC Journal

Why Kansas benefits from more Latinos starting businesses and what can be done to encourage more to try

Latino entrepreneurs are skyrocketing in the U.S, far outpacing other groups. One Wichita couple recently joined the ranks by opening their first brick-and-mortar.

How Gabe Munoz nails the needs of KCK entrepreneurs

A Coffeyville woman’s story reflects Latino business barriers
Blanca Lopez is working to establish a language business in Coffeyville to serve more native Spanish speakers. But a lack of financial support and difficulty in carving out the time needed to sort through the details ARE holding her back. Her story illustrates a gap that programs designed to serve entrepreneurs might need creative solutions to fill.

When family, culture and tradition meet consistency

How the ‘only architect in Liberal’ found his entrepreneurial spirit

Combining salsa and entrepreneurship ‘por el amor a la cultura’
Two Wichita artists have built their small businesses, and their marriage, atop the foundation of a single phrase – for the love of the culture. Their efforts are adding cultural vibrancy to a community that needs to LEVERAGE its diversity to thrive. The question is whether the community will embrace their efforts and build the networks of support necessary to aid them in realizing their aspirations.

This coverage was made possible by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.
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