Streamly Subject Snapshot: Fintech Investing & Partnership Themes

Keeping up-to-date in the fintech world takes more than just reading what’s going on in the fintech news cycle. It’s important to read takes on different trends and themes from across the industry, as well. To help span this gap, we’ve brought insights from thought leaders across the industry to our Streamly videos.
Today, we’re featuring six videos recorded at FinovateEurope that showcase the expertise of some of the speakers in attendance. The first, 15-minute video highlights VC investors’ thoughts on fintech valuations, M&A activity, partnerships, and more.
The remaining videos we’re showcasing today are part of Streamly’s Fintech Founders Partnership series, a set of three-to-four minute videos that detail thought leaders’ opinions on a wide range of partnership issues.
Potential partnerships– assessing the strategic fit
Partnership goals– maintaining goal alignment
Data security & privacy– sharing sensitive financial information
Emerging technologies– facilitating deeper collaborations
Industry partnerships– measuring success