SurePay to Lead Verification of Payee Integration in Belgian Banks

CEC (Centre For Exchange And Clearing), the central point for channelling retail payment transactions between banks in Belgium, has plumped for SurePay to deliver verification of payee (VoP) services.
SurePay was founded in 2016 and supplies VoP to over 100 banks in the UK and the Netherlands, conducting over 1.5 billion checks annually, both domestically and across borders.
Belgium is taking significant steps to boost payment security, reduce fraud, and achieve compliance with EU Instant Payments standards
CEC has taken the responsibility to provide the Belgium VoP and has, on behalf of the Belgium Banks and in consultation with Febelfin, awarded SurePay to deliver VoP services following a tender process.
“We are honoured to have been selected by Belgian banks to deploy verification of payee services,” said David-Jan Janse, CEO of SurePay.
“Our existing multinational clients can now extend their verification of payee capabilities, while Belgian banks gain instant access to a network of 100 banks, enabling them to leverage valuable added services.”