Tech businesses looking for skilled AI professionals

(KTAL/KMSS) – According to reports, Technology-driven businesses are growing, putting skilled IT workers in high demand.
Experts say there is a critical gap among skilled professionals in the industry due to the rapid change of business. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning was described as one significant gap.
Ryan Sutton, the executive director of the technology practice group for Robert Half, published “Why and How Companies Need to Start Developing Tech Talent for the Future of Work,” sharing his key findings on the growing issue. Sutton found that 95% of tech leaders are struggling to find skilled new hires. While 90% of tech leaders are set to launch AI initiatives, 48% of employers say the lack of staff knowledge has created barriers to success.
You may be wondering how skilled workers can grab the interest of employers in the tech job market. Well, Sutton has tips for employers and job seekers to leverage their knowledge and experience in the tech industry.
Ryan Sutton is set to share a breakdown of the skills in high demand and how you can market yourself to employees. Watch live on Wednesday, May 15, at 11:05 a.m. here on